3,015 research outputs found

    Effective gravity and OSp(N,4) invariant matter

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    We re-examine the OSp(N,4) invariant interacting model of massless chiral and gauge superfields, whose superconformal invariance was instrumental, both in proving the all-order no-renormalization of the mass and chiral self-interaction lagrangians, and in determining the linear superfield renormalization needed. We show that the renormalization of the gravitational action modifies only the cosmological term, without affecting higher-order tensors. This could explain why the effect of the cosmological constant is shadowed by the effects of newtonian gravity.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, PACS: 04.65.+e, substantial revisions, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Influence of dimensionality on superconductivity in carbon nanotubes

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    We investigate the electronic instabilities in carbon nanotubes (CNs), looking for the break-down of the one dimensional Luttinger liquid regime due to the strong screening of the long-range part of the Coulomb repulsion. We show that such a breakdown is realized both in ultra-small single wall CNs and multi wall CNs, while a purely electronic mechanism could explain the superconductivity (SC) observed recently in ultra-small (diameter 0.4nm \sim 0.4 nm) single wall CNs (Tc15oKT_c\sim 15 ^{o}K) and entirely end-bonded multi-walled ones (Tc12oKT_c\sim 12 ^{o}K). We show that both the doping and the screening of long-range part of the electron-electron repulsion, needed to allow the SC phase, are related to the intrinsically 3D nature of the environment where the CNs operate.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, PACS: 71.10.Pm,74.50.+r,71.20.Tx, to appear in J. Phys. Cond. Ma

    State-space Correlations and Stabilities

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    The state-space pair correlation functions and notion of stability of extremal and non-extremal black holes in string theory and M-theory are considered from the viewpoints of thermodynamic Ruppeiner geometry. From the perspective of intrinsic Riemannian geometry, the stability properties of these black branes are divulged from the positivity of principle minors of the space-state metric tensor. We have explicitly analyzed the state-space configurations for (i) the two and three charge extremal black holes, (ii) the four and six charge non-extremal black branes, which both arise from the string theory solutions. An extension is considered for the D6D_6-D4D_4-D2D_2-D0D_0 multi-centered black branes, fractional small black branes and two charge rotating fuzzy rings in the setup of Mathur's fuzzball configurations. The state-space pair correlations and nature of stabilities have been investigated for three charged bubbling black brane foams, and thereby the M-theory solutions are brought into the present consideration. In the case of extremal black brane configurations, we have pointed out that the ratio of diagonal space-state correlations varies as inverse square of the chosen parameters, while the off diagonal components vary as inverse of the chosen parameters. We discuss the significance of this observation for the non-extremal black brane configurations, and find similar conclusion that the state-space correlations extenuate as the chosen parameters are increased.Comment: 35 pages, Keywords: Black Hole Physics, Higher-dimensional Black Branes, State-space Correlations and Statistical Configurations. PACS numbers: 04.70.-s Physics of black holes; 04.70.Bw Classical black holes; 04.70.Dy Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics; 04.50.Gh Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related object

    Hyper-Kaehler geometry and dualization

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    We demonstrate that in N=8 supersymmetric mechanics with linear and nonlinear chiral supermultiplets one may dualize two auxiliary fields into physical ones in such a way that the bosonic manifold will be a hyper-Kaehler one. The key point of our construction is about different dualizations of the two auxiliary components. One of them is turned into a physical one in the standard way through its replacement by the total time derivative of some physical field. The other auxiliary field is dualized through a Lagrange multiplier. We clarify this choice of dualization by presenting the analogy with a three-dimensional case.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file, PACS numbers: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.-

    Superfield Formulation of Nonlinear N=4 Supermultiplets

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    We propose a unified superfield formulation of N=4 off-shell supermultiplets in one spacetime dimension using the standard N=4 superspace. The main idea of our approach is a "gluing" together of two linear supermultiplets along their fermions. The functions defining such a gluing obey a system of equations. Each solution of this system provides a new supermultiplet, linear or nonlinear, modulo equivalence transformations. In such a way we reproduce all known linear and nonlinear N=4, d=1 supermultiplets and propose some new ones. Particularly interesting is an explicit construction of nonlinear N=4 hypermultiplets.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    N=8 supersymmetric mechanics on the sphere S^3

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    Starting from quaternionic N=8 supersymmetric mechanics we perform a reduction over a bosonic radial variable, ending up with a nonlinear off-shell supermultiplet with three bosonic end eight fermionic physical degrees of freedom. The geometry of the bosonic sector of the most general sigma-model type action is described by an arbitrary function obeying the three dimensional Laplace equation on the sphere S^3. Among the bosonic components of this new supermultiplet there is a constant which gives rise to potential terms. After dualization of this constant one may come back to the supermultiplet with four physical bosons. However, this new supermultiplet is highly nonlinear. The geometry of the corresponding sigma-model action is briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file, PACS: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.-

    Geometry of N=4, d=1 nonlinear supermultiplet

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    We construct the general action for N=4,d=1N=4, d=1 nonlinear supermultiplet including the most general interaction terms which depend on the arbitrary function hh obeying the Laplace equation on S3S^3. We find the bosonic field BB which depends on the components of nonlinear supermultiplet and transforms as a full time derivative under N=4 supersymmetry. The most general interaction is generated just by a Fayet-Iliopoulos term built from this auxiliary component. Being transformed through a full time derivative under N=4,d=1N=4, d=1 supersymmetry, this auxiliary component BB may be dualized into a fourth scalar field giving rise to a four dimensional N=4,d=1N=4, d=1 sigma-model. We analyzed the geometry in the bosonic sector and find that it is not a hyper-K\"ahler one. With a particular choice of the target space metric gg the geometry in the bosonic sector coincides with the one which appears in heterotic (4,0)(4,0) sigma-model in d=2d=2.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file, PACS: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.-

    The geometry of N=4 twisted string

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    We compare N=2 string and N=4 topological string within the framework of the sigma model approach. Being classically equivalent on a flat background, the theories are shown to lead to different geometries when put in a curved space. In contrast to the well studied Kaehler geometry characterising the former case, in the latter case a manifold has to admit a covariantly constant holomorphic two-form in order to support an N=4 twisted supersymmetry. This restricts the holonomy group to be a subgroup of SU(1,1) and leads to a Ricci--flat manifold. We speculate that, the N=4 topological formalism is an appropriate framework to smooth down ultraviolet divergences intrinsic to the N=2 theory.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe